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I bought a World walk power silent exhaust system for My Honda Gyro Canopy motor bike. Very nice product and excellent quality. I recommend this part to others as well. View Detail
I bought a World walk power silent exhaust system for My Honda Gyro Canopy motor bike. Very nice product and excellent quality. I recommend this part to others as well. View Detail
2013 MODEL's CYGNUS X SR (SE44J / 1 YP). The drive system is NORMAL except that Weight roller is changed from 12 g X 6 to 10 g X 6.
【Texture】 - About appearance】 At All Stainless the atmosphere is splendid. Recently I also liked the lack of Blue baked colors. However, when it got on several times Exhaust pipe became Light Brown with heat. It is good not to be a naughty pushing design. This angle is exquisite in practical use because it will hinder the replenishment of Oil if more angle is attached. Also, after installation, Right Side's overhang became less than OEMExhaust System. It is effective when parking in a small place.
[About installation] Although the manual is easy to understand, since the print quality is also bad with Mono Black, we hope improvement. The work itself is 1. Although it could be completed in about 5 hours, it is hard to say that installation is easy from the following points.
- In order to fix Pipe leading to AIS to Exhaust pipe, we need to manage Right Side part of Under Cover. Specifically, remove the hidden Nut and turn the Cover or remove it completely - - - is.
- It is designed to tighten the above Pipe to Fan cover, but its Screw is difficult to remove positionally. In order to remove it, it is necessary to remove almost all the exterior of Right Side. I removed Helmet in and tightened it to another place.
Silencer Band is badly formed and does not adhere to Silencer when wound. Position was Large strange because the fixation was a tight and did not slip even in temporary assembly condition.
【About performance】 - About sound When Idling, the moderate toko feeling rather than the sound that OEM's pattering up is a little tasty. However, it was not so quiet as I imagined. When I ran, I heard the exhaust sounds less because of the Wind Cutting sound, but I felt the volume heard immediately after the launch was quite noisy.
- About Power feeling Contrary to Manufacturer's singing phrase, I can hardly feel improvement of Power. If I told you so, that kind of feeling - - - It is Level..
[Summary] Regarding Performance Up, I did not take the Sale Stoke, but I was disappointed because I was expecting a little. The appearance and the practicality after installation were mostly satisfied, and as for the price it would be like this - - - I feel like saying.View Detail
I was expecting with Manufacturer who bought other things and provide inexpensive things, but the exhaust system itself was personally Hapap. As written, "the volume is louder than the North American Exhaust System, the volume is smaller than Screamin Eagle. "When I started the Engine with expectation, it was an explosion. Structure is also close to straight tube, sound quality is different from the reference movie It is quite different sound quality than the vide beech sound, fogo fogo sound, sound quality preference, but I attempted to remove Baffle? And lower the sound volume of Inner silencer However, even if you remove Screw, it does not come off, In the state where it does not come out, the installation itself does not enter the Exhaust pipe and it hits it, it does not enter if it does not spread unless it enters a little, it is hard to change Large in difficulty. It is a pity as other Parts were more than expected.View Detail
딱 맞습니다. 힌지 부분이 조금 뻑뻑하나 시트 장착시 여유있게 굽혔다 폈다 됩니다. 고무 부분을 제거하고 장착해도 됩니다. 구매하실분들 고려해서 구매하세요 배송도 생각보다 빠르게 와서 무사히 장착할수 있었습니다. 위바이크에 대한 신뢰가 날이 갈수록 좋아집니다.----------------------------------------------------------Just right. The hinge is a bit stiff, but when the sheet is mounted, it bends and relaxed.You can remove the rubber and install it.Buy it in consideration of those who want to buyDelivery was also faster than I thought and could be installed safely.Trust in Webike gets better day by day.Powered by Google TranslatorView Detail
자이로 캐노피 구동 벨트 입니다.고속 구동계로 바꾸면서 조금더 내구성이 좋다는 벨트로 바꿨습니다.순정벨트와 비교시 두께가 똑같습니다.아직 교체후 얼마 운행하지 않아서 내구성이 더 좋은지는 확인할수 없습니다.순정보다 내구성이 좋기를 바랍니다.교체하실분은 생각해보시길 바랍니다.Gyro canopy drive belt.I switched to a high-speed drivetrain and replaced it with a belt that is a little more durable.Compared to the genuine belt, the thickness is the same.I haven't driven it for a while after replacing it, so I can't confirm if the durability is better.I hope it will be more durable than pure.Please consider replacing it.View Detail
앞쪽 풀리랑 같이 교체하였다고장난게 아니라 오직 속도 증가를 위해 교체했습니다.평지에서 52km 에서 리밋걸렸는데 교체후 58km정도 나간다 눈에 뛰게 체감하지는 못하지만 내리막 길에서는 65까지 나갑니다.(교체전에는 내리막에서도 52km 고정) 교체하실분은 신중히 생각해 보시길 바랍니다.ps. 오링이 같이 배송 안되어서 오링을 한국에서 따로 주문했다위바이크에 문제 삼으니 뒤늦게 발송한거 같다그래도 발송해주니 위바이크에 믿음이 간다Replaced with front pulleyIt's not broken, just replaced to increase speed.It took the limit at 52km on flat ground, but it goes about 58km after replacement. I don't notice it clearly, but it goes up to 65 on the downhill road.ps. The O-ring was not delivered together, so I ordered the O-ring separately from Korea.I think it was sent late because we made a problem with WebikeHowever, if you send it, I have confidence in Webike.View Detail
ta03자이로 캐노피 장착했습니다토크캠이랑 같이 바꿔주었습니다.평지기준 속도가 52킬로 에서 리밋걸렸는데 58정도 나간다 내리막에서는 65까지 나가지만 아주긴 시간이 걸린다 속도를 위해 교체하실분은 생각해보시길 바랍니다.저는 후회하지 않습니다.ta03 gyro canopy installedI replaced it with a talk cam.The speed on flat ground was limited to 52 km, but it was about 58.It goes up to 65 on the descent, but it takes a very long time.Please consider replacing it for speed.I have no regrets.View Detail